What if there were a better way of designing, branding and marketing property?

  • inefficient budget

    Are developers making the most out of the budget spent on both design and marketing?

  • derivative designs

    Can developers have truly unique designs that set them apart in a crowded market?

  • obsolete typologies

    Society is evolving at a rapid pace so can space typologies evolve at the same speed to catch up with social and economic trends? In other words, can developers be one step ahead of consumers?

  • outdated marketing

    Development marketing has not changed significantly in the last decades: Brochures, a website and perhaps a marketing suite or show-flat. Can development marketing have a far wider reach?

  • The current development design model is based on observing current market trends and emulating them; whilst development branding and marketing is an after-thought and still relies on outdated means to reach a limited pool of potential tenants.

  • what if architectural design defined what people would want rather than reacted to what people already wanted?

  • What if the processes of designing and marketing were better integrated?

  • What if there were a way of better utilising the same development budget to equally get more unique designs and far wider marketing reach?

  • What if developers got more out of research & development into new styles, typologies and trends?

  • What if mock-ups and marketing suites paid for marketing? What if mock-ups and marketing suites were not single-use and minimised material waste?